February 04, 2005

70 Year old Slumber

The Rip Van Winkles (Democrats) of the U.S. Senate the other day bowed at the shrine of Franklin Roosevelt in a fashion reminiscent of the pagan religion haters that they are, to gain support for their inaction on Social Security reform.

What's funny is that FDR originally wanted personal private accounts

In a written statement to Congress in 1935, Roosevelt said that any Social Security plans should include, "Voluntary contributory annuities, by which individual initiative can increase the annual amounts received in old age," adding that government funding, "ought to ultimately be supplanted by self-supporting annuity plans."

No wonder those same Dems love the American public school system. It breeds a nation of people ignorant of history. Maybe they can go to Brown University

Posted by psugrad98 at February 4, 2005 02:47 PM

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