January 11, 2005

Stretch Armstrong

All Blogdom is alive with talk of Armstrong Williams. He took money to promote the No Child Left Behind law. If I owned or was editor of a paper that carried his writings, I would drop him.

Many people want to compare this to the Dan Rahther "MemoGate". (I think a name of "ArmstrongGate" would be nice.) The differene is that Armstrong never claimed to be a non-partisan columnist. He is a conservative columnist, and never pretends to be "fair and balanced".

Dan Rather claims to be fair, while showing even more disregard for fairness than anything Mr. Armstrong did.

Still, he did something unethical, and must make amends, which he tried to do. His apology is very weak, and as Michelle Malkin puts it is very disingenuous.

Posted by psugrad98 at January 11, 2005 07:21 PM

My husband heard about this on NPR and had the same reaction...

"I didn't really do anything wrong, but I won't do it again..."

Posted by: Elizabeth at January 12, 2005 10:05 AM

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