November 29, 2004

There is absolutely nothing going on

There is nothing of newsworthyness in the news today. I guess that is good news. As the saying goes "No Gnews is Good Gnews".

My back hurts. I was lifting and lugging Christmas trees all weekend. Freezing my ass off while risking electrocution on Sunday.

Sunday it rained 3 inches and half the farm was flooded. For once the pain in the ass customers didn't come in.

Long time readers may remember this, but for everyone else. Read This

Posted by psugrad98 at November 29, 2004 02:21 PM

I can't wait to post this on public bulletin boards so that the pain in the ass customers know how you feel about them. and yes, that does include the boards in the Silberline Lunch Room!

Posted by: BushIsBinLaden'sBitch at December 4, 2004 09:23 AM

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