November 12, 2004

Arafat: Euthenized

A point I would like to make is that Arafat was euthenized. He probably had a treatable illness, and if the terrorist was sent to a first world country like the United States for treatment, he'd still be selling bombs to children.

But instead he was sent to France. France, where their socialist utopia lead to ten thousand dead Frenchies during a heatwave, sending the world market for frog legs and Jerry Lewis DVDs in a downward spiral.

You see, a socialist health system like in France, just can't cope with minor problems like a sweaty brow, nor can they properly treat whatever ailed the ditry bastard named Arafat.

Gee, for once I am glad for socialism.

Posted by psugrad98 at November 12, 2004 09:06 AM

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