November 09, 2004

Boston, we have a problem

After the big victory for President Bush, and the gains in the House and Senate, even the most ignorant of Liberals (Dan Rather) has to admit that the Democrats are the minority party. The weaker of the bunch. The runt of the litter.

I've heard it said that a lot of it can be traced back to the "Reagain Revolution" and the inspiration he gave many. People my age and slightly older are a major democgraphic group that voted for Bush, and their opinions were built by the Great Communicator.

Now there is another generation whose political beliefs and ideals are being founded by George Bush. People who are in their mid-teens how and are just becoming adults are seeing a strong President and a strong America.

What's going to happen in 12-20 years when they are the new demographic of this country?

Posted by psugrad98 at November 9, 2004 02:25 PM

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