November 08, 2004

Bob Herbert Hates Americans

As I mentioned earlier, Liberals think you are stupid. We are stupid for voting for the dumb jackass, George W. Bush.

Read what Bob Herbert has to say in the Old York Times

I think a case could be made that ignorance played at least as big a role in the election's outcome as values. A recent survey by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland found that nearly 70 percent of President Bush's supporters believe the U.S. has come up with "clear evidence" that Saddam Hussein was working closely with Al Qaeda. A third of the president's supporters believe weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. And more than a third believe that a substantial majority of world opinion supported the U.S.-led invasion.

This is scary. How do you make a rational political pitch to people who have put that part of their brain on hold? No wonder Bush won.

What about these people. Or these genuises?

Why is it that despite a clear victory in the election, and after calling for unity, it's the Democrats who are resorting to name calling and vitriol. These New York Liberal elite just don't get America. And they see that as us being retarded and unenlightened.

Posted by psugrad98 at November 8, 2004 09:39 AM

They just can't shut up,nor won't they shut up.Their minds are so brain washed it scares the hell outta me.Cincidering what a certain German Chansler pulled,its freaky that there are STILL people who let themselves fool by such idiot.
I personally have unsubscribed from a group of people,whom I know for over 6 years,not only in email,but also in real.Their Democrat BS just drove me NUTS.You have to take THEIR opinion but they can't take a single word of others.
One guy even said:"I wouldn't mind if Bush would be assasinated during his second term".
I have noticed that no matter WHO you voted for you are beeing treated like a low-life creature by them Democrats!
My two cents and Amen.:-)

Posted by: LW at November 8, 2004 02:01 PM

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