August 27, 2004

Socialist Healthcare

Michelle Malkin has a geat take on the problems with socialist healthcare.

It is an especially good read today for two reasons. First, the bearded socialist Paul Krugman had another mindless column in the Left York Times. Second, liberal press is spinning the the news today of the increasing number of uninsured. (ignoring the fact that a lot of those counted as having no insurance are the rich who don't want any, and the illegal immigrants who don't deserve any).

Like Michelle, I admit there is a problem with our health care system. But it really didn't start until HMOs popped their ugly heads in 1973, thanks in part to Ted Kennedy, who now blames Bush for the health insurance crisis.

If you want to see more about why single payer systems suck, look no further than France.

Posted by psugrad98 at August 27, 2004 01:54 PM

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