August 19, 2004

Swift Kick in the Ass Part 2

Kerry obviously can't take the heat. In an angry response to the Swift Boat Veterans for truth book and ad, Kerry lashed out at the attacks on him.

BOSTON (Reuters) - John Kerry accused President Bush of using surrogates to "do his dirty work," as the Democratic presidential challenger hit back on Thursday at a Republican assault on his Vietnam War record.

Kerry said a group called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which has attacked the Massachusetts senator's war record via television advertisements, was funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Republican contributor in Texas, Bush's home state.

Like surrogates aren't helping him out. What about Michael Moore, MoveonPac, or countless Bush bashing books. What about the hateful attacks by Albert Gore or Ted Kennedy?

Again, it appears that free speech and discussions are only allowed when it's them accusing Bush of being a gang leader or re-opening torture chambers.

Posted by psugrad98 at August 19, 2004 03:22 PM

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