File this under the unlikely category if you file stuff away like I do.
Drudge has a flash story on his website about a part of the GOP agenda for the next four years after Bush gets re-elected is to eliminate the IRS:
A domestic centerpiece of the Bush/GOP agenda for a second Bush term is getting rid of the Internal Revenue Service, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.The Speaker of the House will push for replacing the nation's current tax system with a national sales tax or a value added tax, Hill sources tell DRUDGE.
"People ask me if I’m really calling for the elimination of the IRS, and I say I think that’s a great thing to do for future generations of Americans," Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert explains in his new book, to be released on Wednesday.
Now, it's probably a good idea, but I really don't think a RINO like Hastert or a don't rock the boat too much Republican like Bush would actually go so far as to actually elimniate the IRS.
We can only hope so much.
Posted by psugrad98 at August 2, 2004 11:16 AM