July 16, 2004

Letters from Al Jazeera

I went over to Al Jazeera, and visited their letters section. I am not going to comment much except to say that if you don't believe now that many Muslims hate Jews, then I don't know what I can do to prove it to you.

Letters to Dr. Kareen


But there is still more to it than has been revealed by Mr. Moore. While michael moore did his best to expose this vicious group, he has however, conveniently (intentionally?) ignored/skipped the one most important character that is the epic center of this entire scenario, the Jews.

More than any individual, group or a corporation the real beneficiaries in this so called “war on terror” and the invasion of Iraq is Israel and the Jews, the masterminds. Bush and party are just the executioners. Mr. Moore has completely and conveniently shifted the entire blame on the bush administration and successfully moved the responsibility off.


When Hitler massacred the Jews they did nothing because they are cowards. The Palestinians are fighting even though they don't have tanks, fighter planes, or sophisticated killing machines, they use their bodies.

Millions of Palestinians were displaced, and killed by the Israeli soldiers with the support of the U.S. The Israelis are cowards hiding behind the back of the U.S., without the aid of the U.S. they are capable of nothing.


Posted by psugrad98 at July 16, 2004 04:03 PM

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