John Edwards is a trial lawyer, and having made his money by suing companies and doctors you know he loves laywers. They look at ways to drive the cost of doing business up. Here in Pennsylvania there are often attempts at reforming medical malpractice law, but the strong lawyer lobby stops that. Whenever a company, hospital, or doctor are successfully sued, they pass that cost on to you. Part of the cost of everything you buy from coffee at McDonald's to a flu shot at your doctor's office goes in a kiddy to pay off these leaches when they sue.
The newest thing in legal fashion is suing gun manufactureres. If some punk has an illegal firearm, and takes it to a shopping center and kills a dozen people, lawyers like John Edwards want to be able to sue the producer of that gun.
NBC’S TIM RUSSERT: “There is legislation pending which would limit the liability of gun manufacturers. The lawyers are very much opposed to that. Where do you come down on it?â€
SEN. EDWARDS: “Oh, I’m opposed to that, but it has nothing to do with the lawyers. I mean, why should we pick a particular class of Americans and say, ‘We’re not going to hold you responsible’? I mean, you and I are held responsible for what we do. Doctors, as we just talked about, are held responsible for what they do. Lawyers should be held responsible for what they do. Exactly the same thing is true of gun manufacturers.†(NBC’s “Meet The Press,†11/9/03)
Yeah, it has nothing to do with lawyers. Right John. And I believe in Santa. I don't think gun manufacturers should be unaccountable if a gun malfunctions and causes harm, but why should a gun manufacturer be held responsible for someone who uses the gun in a harmful and illegal way? Do we sue Chevy when someone gets drunk and slams into a mini-van of kids going to a church picnic?
John Edwards is no friend of the gun owner, and neither is John Kerry. Edwards' take on guns is that they are just another deep pocketed company which can be sued to build him another mansion.
Posted by psugrad98 at July 7, 2004 09:00 AMI remember President Reagan saying on TV that the
police can not protect us; it's up to all citizens
to protect themselves. There's no reason to ban any
weapon from law abiding citizens; instead do your job and round up violent people and put the terrorists away for a long time. I'll vote for you this time, but if you cave in to the gun control faction and take away my right to defend myself I'll help vote you and Kerry out of office.
Kindest personal regards;
Bill christie
Posted by: Bill Christie at July 28, 2004 08:42 PM