![]() | Today is primary election day here in Pennsylvania, and off to vote I go. Snarlin Arlen Specter is getting desperate, he knows he is getting a tough fight by Pat Toomey. Spectral is running ads with George Bush saying to vote for Arlen. I find it so ironic that he is asking us to vote for him because it would support the Republican Party, but time and time again Arlen has turned his back on the party. |
From National Review Online:
When Paul [Weyrich of the Free Congress] stumped for Specter in 1992, he made a simple point to his conservative listeners: "Arlen Specter is a jerk, but he's our jerk."
The problem for conservatives is that Specter isn't their jerk nearly enough. He is an abortion-rights absolutist, a dogged advocate of racial preferences, a bitter foe of tort reform, a firm friend of the International Criminal Court — the list is long. When Citizens Against Government Waste recently listed Specter in its "Pig Book" as one of the Senate's most profligate spenders, he shot back: "If they left me out, I'd be worried." In 1995, Specter briefly ran for president and pursued the unique strategy of attacking the base of his own party: His announcement speech lobbed a grenade at "the intolerant Right." After pressing this theme for several months, one poll showed him attracting support from a grand total of 1 percent of Republicans. The senator's lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union is 42 percent (Pat Toomey's is 97).
The one vote that irks me the most is when he voted "Not Proven, therefore not Guilty" in the impeachement trial of Bill Clinton. Doing so denied the Republican party a simple majority on the issue, and therefore, a moral victory. He turned his back on Trent Lott and the Republicans when he was asked for loyalty.
If you don't want to be loyal, that's fine. But all I ask is don't run and hide behind the party only when it benefits you. I am voting for Pat Toomey, and I hope Specter loses it when he loses it if you know what I mean.
And Arlen Specter is the same guy who came up with the "magic bullet" theory of the Kennedy assasination, gave rise to a new verb, Bork, and likes to trim tax cuts, only to take credit for them later and only during election years.
Posted by psugrad98 at April 27, 2004 10:44 AMNoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (*breathe*) oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOO!
The hated Specter won! Arrrrgh!
Posted by: Doug Stewart at April 28, 2004 06:25 AM