March 14, 2004

The Asshole Underground

They should change the name of the Democratic Underground to the Asshole Underground. This pathetic unemployed bunch of whiners actually seem to be rejoicing that bombs exploded in Spain. They see it as a way to defeat Bush.

Instead of showing solidarity with a fellow Demomcracy, they are cheering and holding it up as an example, in their twisted thought process, of why we must not attack terrorists, but try to be their friends. They see the attack as a way to make John Kerry President

This whole think really stinks. I think the conservative element is Spain is pulling some shit. And it may very well be a preview of our upcoming election season.

I also had a post deleted by the moderators.

It was in response to someone accusing me of a double standard. He equated cracking down on terrorists the same as busloads of Jewish school children being blown up by Jihadists.

Subject: You are wacked

If you equate protecting Jewish citizens from terrorists as killing innocent Muslims, then you are wrong. Anyone who indiscriminatly kills another group is WRONG. Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.

Meanwhile the following post was NOT removed and was in a larger subthread about why we should kill terrorists.

Subject: Kill them all

Let's start with Junior and the NeoCons.

I hope the Organic food the DUers eat gives them a deadly disease.

Most of the people at the Democratic Underground are not good Americans, and not true believers in Democracy and freedom. They are so filled with hatred for Bush, they will rejoice when people die if they think it will make Bush unelectable.

I remember Rush Limbaugh saying something about 4 years ago or so. He said when the liberals lose power is when they get really wacky. They are filled with hatred because they think they didn't really lose, and that's why they hate Bush. When Bush smaks John Kerry in the general election, and they lose legitimately, I think you will see all kinds of total mental breakdowns. We will have to build new psychiatric hospitals for this new condition that will exist.

Posted by psugrad98 at March 14, 2004 09:28 AM

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