February 27, 2004

Banning more guns

The Demogogues are trying to ban more guns. Fuckers.
Frank over at IMAO is talking about it. over there.

Basicially what it amounts to is that the Senate is trying to pass legilstion to give immunity to gun manufacturers from lawsuits. What happens are ambulance chasers (not unlike John Edwards) are suing gun manufacturers because some wacky crackhead decided to steal a gun and kill someone.

They want to weaken that proposed legislation and add more guns to the "Assault Weapon Ban".

Republicans in the house have already said "fuck you" to 2nd amendment bashers like Chucky Schumer. They won't pass any legislation which reinstates the old assault weapons ban, let alone adds to it.

Posted by psugrad98 at February 27, 2004 09:29 AM

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