February 25, 2004

Talking out of both sides of his mouth

kerry.jpg So John Kerry is against gay marriage, for civil unions, and against the proposed the Constitutional amendment. He says it is up to the states to decide. His wife, Theresa Heinze-Kerry, says of her husband's views:

From the Mercury News:

She said her husband would vote against such an amendment if it were introduced in the Senate, and that while he supports same-sex civil unions, Kerry believes defining marriage should be a question left to the states.

That's good a state's right issue. I'm glad to hear it. I like state's rights. There is a law on the books already. Its called the defense of marriage act. Here is what it says, from US Senate archives:

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) does two things. First, it provides
that no State shall be required to give effect to a law of any other
State with respect to a same-sex "marriage." Second, it defines the
words "marriage" and "spouse" for purposes of Federal law.

The first substantive section of the bill is an exercise of Congress'
power under the "Effect" clause of Article IV, section 1 of the
Constitution (the Full Faith and Credit Clause) to allow each State (or
other political jurisdiction) to decide for itself whether it wants to
grant legal status to same-sex "marriage." This provision is necessary
in light of the possibility of Hawaii giving sanction to same-sex
"marriage" under its state law, as interpreted by its state courts, and
other states being placed in the position of having to give "full faith
and credit" to Hawaii's interpretation of what constitutes "marriage."
Although so-called "conflicts of law" principles do not necessarily
compel such a result, approximately 30 states of the union are
sufficiently alarmed by such a prospect to have initiated legislative
efforts to defend themselves against any compulsion to acknowledge same-
sex "marriage."

Good it's glad to see that there is already a law on the books which fits John Kerry's position. But wait, he voted against this law. He voted against the law which he now says is exactly his position on the matter?

Hmm, I wonder when Kerry will serve warm fluffy waffles again...

Posted by psugrad98 at February 25, 2004 01:04 PM

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