February 24, 2004

They are blowing gaskets all over the place

Well, over at DU, the Liberal Commie Pinkos are totally going nuts. They are furious that George Bush is proposing a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Here are some highlights:

The integrity administration...

If this passes, my wife and I are leaving this country for good. Despicable.


Totally disgusting.

I guess we have no poor to clothe and no hungry to feed.

"CHIMPANZEE McSHRUB" = A thuggish despicable Bigot.


prez. dipshit is clearly going for the homophobe vote.. as if he didn't already have it.

keep driving the log cabin repukes out of your camp. give a clear message that the repuke party doesn't tolerate tolerance. that just means more votes for us!



Plus, if you saw all the angry icons and such floating around, you'd see how they are losing it.

I can only imagine how bad they will be pissed off if Bush wins re-election.


Posted by psugrad98 at February 24, 2004 11:27 AM

Is it all that bad? Or is there some sense mixed in with the nonsense?

I could take a look for myself, but I'm afraid I might catch something.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 25, 2004 09:11 AM

"some" would be the word. 90% of it is waky diatribe.

Posted by: Tom at February 25, 2004 12:10 PM

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