I wanted to share with you my reflections on being an animal lover. Lately, it seems, I've been getting a bad rap around the web, mostly at Blogcritics.org. I can picture that people who don't like me imagine me sitting in my big oak room, surrounded by copies of Mein Kampf, smoking a pipe, paining a color by numbers Adolf Hitler statuette. Well, not quite. I am quite the loveable fuzzball (to borrow a quote from Rush Limbuagh). As proof, I want to tell you about my furry friends.
| This is my big kitty, Boots. I picked him up at a local shelter after his mommy died. He is a Maine Coon cat weighing in at about 16 pounds. He's not done growing, and will probably be able to beat me up soon.
For as big as he is, he is a big wimp. Despite the fact that he is bigger than our dog, Oreo, Boots still runs away when comfronted. Usually the dog runs away from Boots too, because Oreo fears Boots. Boots is "Buddy Boots". He follows me around, cooing and clawing at me, begging for attention. When I spend days at home, in my office, he sleeps right on my desk, making desk work virtually impossible. |
| This is Oreo, our two year old "mutt" we adopted from another local shelter. She's a sweety and loves to play with her sock. Tug of war is her game. Since my dad lives at our house with us, she barks whenever he comes home from work, or from outside, or from the bathroom. Actually whenever she sees him, she barks. Weird Dog |
| This is Nittany. She is named after the famed Nittany Lion that once roamed the woods of Pennsylvania, and also of the Penn State Nittany Lions.
She is the little baby of the family. She loves attention, and loves to lick your hand when you pet her. She also is known as crazy claws because she likes to play rough and bite and scratch. But it's all fun. |
What a lovely family!
Anyway, if you've pissed of Mac Diva/Jade Gold/Evil B*tch, you can join the club. Speak to Susie, as I haven't managed that trick myself.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 17, 2004 12:49 PMOoh, do tell about your JG adventure. I need to add you to the enclave, seems.
I think Nittany looks like a cross between my two tabbies.
Posted by: hln at March 2, 2004 09:13 AM