Foxnews has a story about the influence of Blogs on this year's campaign.
Here's an excerpt:
"A blog's not going to have the same reach as a Washington Post or USA Today or an AP article," said Cameron Barrett, a longtime blogger now with Wesley Clark's (search) campaign. "But it does have reach, and people consistently go to online blogs to find information that traditional media ignore."
Blogs are collections of links and ideas, usually frequently updated. Their most recent entries are on top, and readers can generally post comments. Blogs are increasingly popular, and the software behind them gets friendlier to use by the day.
For Marshall, who has written for such print publications as The American Prospect, blogs let him mix news, opinion and personal observations with no meddling from an editor.
Blogs are the people, back to what the internet was way back in the early 1990s. I remember in college in the early 90s. The internet was a way for people to communicate, share their ideas. In the late 90s the boom of internet companies all but put an end to that, but now thanks to Blogs, people are communicating more than ever, and even have things to say about political campaigns.
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