From News Reports:
OMAHA, Neb. — Officials disciplined students who papered their nearly all-white high school with posters advocating a white student from South Africa for the school's "Distinguished African American Student Award."
Peggy Rupprecht, spokeswoman for the Westside Community Schools district, said administrators at Westside High School discovered more than a hundred of the posters throughout the school first thing Monday — Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
"The content of the posters, they believed, was inappropriate and insensitive to some members of our school community," Rupprecht said.
So this boy is not an African American? Is he not from Africa? If a person came to America, but was born in say, Italy, would they not be considered an Italian-American?
Is it not safe to assume that if you were African born, but moved to this country later, could they not be African-American?
I say he has more of a right to be called African-American than most "black" people who call themselves African-Americans because of the simple fact that he was from Africa!
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