January 19, 2004

Dizzy Dean

Dean apparently gets nervous about dealing with responsibility.

Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004 3:06 p.m. EST

Dean Details Treatment for Anxiety Attacks

Democratic presidential front-runner Howard Dean offered more details this week on psychological counseling he underwent for anxiety attacks suffered in the 1980s - and revealed that he had a panic attack the day he took over as governor of Vermont 13 years ago.

Reacting to news of Gov. Richard Snelling's death in August 1991, Dean told People magazine, "I hyperventilated and I started hyperventilating and I thought, You better stop that or you won't be much good to anybody."

The panic attack was understandable, Dean said. "To suddenly get told that you have responsibility for 600,000 people — it provokes a little anxiety."

Dean's history of anxiety attacks goes back to the early 1980s, when he said he sought counseling for the problem.

Wow, apparently he has trouble with responsiblity. He was worried about caring for 600,000 people. I hope I never get the chance to see how he deals with 290 Million. And it's not like Vermont has to deal with foreign countries. The French Alone could cause you to have seizures.

So this guy is a lightweight. It's not new news. From off the cuff remarks, to yelling at old men, this guy is not the guy to be in a national office.

Even if you agree with his beliefs, this guy does not have the constitution (or desire to follow the Constitution) to be President.

Posted by psugrad98 at January 19, 2004 12:34 PM

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