January 09, 2004

What is this guy's major malfunction?

What is wrong with Dean. He is some sort of loose cannon. For like the 15th time during his candidacy something he said has come back to bite him.
This time it is a comment made in 1998 about the Iowa Caucus.

“If you look at the caucuses system, they are dominated by the special interests in both parties,” he said. “[And] the special interests don't represent the centrist tendencies of the American people. They represent the extremes. And then you get a president who is beholden to either one extreme or the other, and where the average person is in the middle.”

When comfronted with the issue he said this:

"If I knew then what I know now ...

"Iowa has been very good to me. I couldn't run for president if I didn't have Iowa," Dean told Fox News before leaving the scene. 

So much for shooting from the hip.

He also made comments in 2000 about how he thought George W. Bush was a "moderate"

"George Bush, I believe, is in his soul a moderate."

Dean now calls Bush a "radical."

What is wrong with this guy? Seriously. He is frighteningly bad at keeping his mouth shut. I believe that this shows this guy is a lightweight. This isn't even close to President Bush speaking poorly or saying abonobablebleble instead of abonobable.

It's frightening.

Posted by psugrad98 at January 9, 2004 01:33 PM

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