December 04, 2003

I'm Coming out of the Closet


From the Penn State Daily Collegian.

A "Conservative Coming Out Day" at Pennsylvania State University was denounced ahead of time as hateful because the phrase mocks an annual gay rights event and alienates members of that community on campus, reports the Collegian.

Sponsored by the Penn State College Republicans, the event was intended to show how marginalized political conservatives feel on campus. One student told the rally how an English teacher introduced herself on the first day of class by saying, "I hate Republicans."

Gay rights groups on campus expressed concern about the language on fliers advertising the event, saying the conservatives’ pledge to "come out of the closet" mocked their own struggles for freedom and justice.

Ahh, my Alma Mater, how I love thee. I can tell you from a first hand standpoint that Penn State is very liberal. I don't know if it is so much the student's, but the faculty definatly leans to the left.

I remember in a women's studies class I took, the professor said she said the conservative establishment enables women to be held in bondage and to be raped.

The funny thing is, I really never noticed it too much. I was political, but I just shrugged it off. My mother always said "play the game". I'm not about to get into a pissing match with a PhD who holds my grade. And also when I got a C in English 202 while everyone who agreed politically with the hippy English teacher got A's.

I also remember another time when our new (Jewish) University President said he would no longer allow a Christmas Tree in Old Main, breaking a tradition that went back many many years. Some pissed off students spent their own money to buy a tree, broke into Old Main and set up a Christmas tree, complete with decorations.

Mr. President allowed the tree and has every year since.

Posted by psugrad98 at December 4, 2003 08:58 AM

Did you mean left?

What about the Gay Republicans? Weren't they allowed to come out of the closet either?

Posted by: Susie at December 4, 2003 09:17 AM

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