December 02, 2003

I hate the Beatles

Proving that all hippy free love socialists deep down love the almightly dollar while still trying to defeat capitalism, former Beatles Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are suing Apple iTunes over the use of the Apple logo and name in conjunction with the Apple iTunes service. It seems they think they own everything. I am just waiting for them to sue Volkswagon because of the Beetle might be confused with their shitty music.

I think Paul is still miffed that boy lover Michael Jackson outbid him for the rights to his own songs.

They also rail against music swapping services like Napster and Kaaza, but refuse to allow their songs on legitimate services like iTunes. Go figure.

The problem is that groups like the Beatles and Metallica who are history think this keeps them relevant. They don't seem to undestand the motives behind file and music downloading, and don't want to embrace new technology. No Beatles or Metallica song will ever be on my iPod.

I grant you that a portion of the downloaders are crooks who just want free stuff, but more than that it is a population that is increasingly digital. From MP3 players to Tivos, the downloaders want their music portable, transferrable, and digital. The RIAA member bands have been slower than a DMV line at offering this service that the market obviously is demanding. People searched elsewhere for it. Instead of embracing it and offering a technology that would enable them to make money AND offer downloads, they fight every step of the way.

If the RIAA would have spent more time developing new technologies instead of trying to just protect their copyrights than maybe pay per download would be a norm in our society.

What Mr. Conductor and The Walrus don't seem to get is that people are getting more and more fed up with this kind of action. From the Beatles suing Apple iTunes to the RIAA itself suing a wheelchair bound honor student, they look more and more like anti-capitalist communists.

Posted by psugrad98 at December 2, 2003 09:32 AM

I agree that the remaining Beatles have grown greedy in their old ages. That whole Lennon/McCartney to McCartney/Lennon switch was just childish.

But don't say the Beatles suck. They wrote a lot of non-political songs that are really pretty great. Nowhere Man, for instance.

The members of the band may be asshats at times, but the music is still awesome.

Posted by: Rob at December 2, 2003 10:05 AM

I don't agree that they've grown greedy; they've only grown more protective of their own property.
The switch from Lennon/McCartney to McCartney/Lennon is great! Some songs ("Yesterday", "Hey Jude", "We Can Work It out", ought to be creditted to Paul only. Others ("Nowhere Man", "Strawberry Fields Forever", "I Am The Walrus" are pure John.
The whole "Lennon/McCartney" thing was a gimmick to begin with. The truer the better! Don't let adolescent illusions confuse the Truth.

Posted by: Tuning Spork at December 3, 2003 12:24 AM

BEATLES RULE!!!! you all suck

Posted by: Bob at December 16, 2003 06:37 PM

the beatles rule and kick the shit out of any music today. all who think otherwise suck.

Posted by: googs at January 4, 2004 07:29 PM

the beatles are cool. u have problems. why would u waste ur time making a website about something u hate. how stupid can u get. LOOOOOOOOSAAAARRRR

Posted by: u r a loser at January 8, 2004 12:04 AM

OK, I'm sure that, currently, Paul is almost dead in his musical career. But, why don't we listen Beatles' original recordings once more? We might discover another charm of them...

Posted by: beatles posters at January 26, 2004 08:27 AM

your stupid the beatles rock my socks!!! and i wasn't even alive at their hottest point and i think their all hot i love there style! your probally gay or something and mad you can't have them........ were you a neglected child growing up so you decided to take it out on the beatles? thats what i thought.......... have a good day! peace out to all my beatle fellow friends (not u) i love u all

Posted by: Anna Quesnsy at March 20, 2004 02:26 PM

The Beatles are the greatest rock band that ever was and ever will be. They helped steer and guide rock into what it is today. Other bands of the day played their instriments better (The Who, Led Zeppelin, Cream) and others persisted through the test of time (Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan). But no other rock act shaped rock and rock as much as the Beatles did. When they were big every other band watched them to see what to do. They made 12 albums in 8 years but made enough hits for a band that's been around forever. In 100 years from now the Beatles will still be heard on radio stations, I can't say that about any other band.

Posted by: JP Alexander at March 30, 2004 11:43 AM

Those of you who hate the Beatles need to find your "Inner Light"! (Yet another great song by George Harrison:)

Posted by: Jeff at August 14, 2004 01:52 PM

The Beatles STINK they are dreadfull how can anyone like them???
And most of us are quite capable of finding inner light dipshit!
Look I think the 60's were great becuase I personally like the Kinks but the Beatles gave the 60's a BAD NAME listen to the words there rubbish!
"I wanna hold your hand" After the first ten seconds I find myself shouting FOR FUCK SAKE HOLD HER BLOODY HAND!

Posted by: Nicole (Ray and Dave Davies Worshipper at December 18, 2004 04:12 PM


Posted by: Nicole (Ray and Dave Davies Worshiper) at December 18, 2004 04:14 PM

I agree I love the Kinks loads better than the Beatles!!!
I think they absolutly rock!!

Good on you!
Any one who says they don't can die early!

Posted by: Ryan Green (Kinks Fan) at December 18, 2004 04:15 PM

WOW finally two people who love The Kinks as much as me!!!
I love them with all my heart
The Beatles absolutly stink
Ray Davies had pure talent Paul mcartney can eat his heart out!!!!
I LOVE THE KINKS us three should make our own website!

Posted by: Rosie at December 18, 2004 04:20 PM

Yey! That would be good but sort of tricky becuase there are quite a lot of good ones and ours would be a bit mediochre!
If only we could meet them!
wouldn't that be so cool?

Posted by: Nicole (Ray and Dave Davies worshiper) at December 20, 2004 05:20 AM

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