Its 6:21 am or something like it, why am I posting so early? Well, a mouse in the attic woke me and Nittany up.
I was in bed, just having gotten back in it after giving Nittany her early morning snack and I heard this "pita pita pita pita pita" sound coming from the attic. Of course being the good mouser that she is, Nittany's ears perked up and was suddenly totally alert. Darting from wall to wall, she tried to follow the sound of the mouse. The trouble is, when she followed the sound she ran over my face twice. Now, it's bad enough hearing a mouse when you are trying to sleep, but then to have a non-declawed cat continually run over your face when you are trying to sleep is another thing.
So, I cam downstairs, set the timer on my coffee maker for a little later this morning, and put some wood in the wood stove so it will be even toastier when I come downstairs to my office to work later today.
I'm off to bed now. Priority one today, in addition to getting a new driver's liscense photo will be to set a nice trap for said mouse. There will be no more mouse in the house!!
Posted by psugrad98 at November 12, 2003 06:28 AM