October 28, 2003

Liberals are big meanies

My grandfather wasn't that political. He was somewhat conservative, but more of a Reagan Democrat. He always said true partisan liberals were mean people. Conservatives, for the most part, are nicer and more laid back.

I have not done enough research to know for sure, but I do know what I see in the press and in the Democratic debates.

Take this from the Glenn Beck hatemail archives:

You f---ing right-wing nut!!! You and Rush Limbaugh must suck each other's d---. Think you Bushies are smart? Try taking every right-wing bulls---ter off of the radio waves, and watch the Republicans collapse!! You're probably like all the other little republican yuppies. Never worked a day in your life. I don't mean spouting off your mouth on a regular basis. I mean good old fashioned physical labor. You dumb sh--.

Wow, that is mean. I really am swayed by this guy's arguments. I was also shocked when Howard Dean called Bush a Gang Leader. I never knew he lead a gang. I was shocked...shocked.

The trouble is true lefties are like children. They want stuff. Yelling gimme gimme gimme. When their parents (conservatives) who are the ones who have to pay for it say no, work for it on your own, they get pissed and say "I hate you mommy and daddy, you guys are mean".

It's called tough love.

Look at the attacks on the Bush administration from the likes of Barbara Streisand, The Dixie Chicks, Alec Baldwin. All very hateful. When they can't resort to winning the battle of ideas, they call names.

I hate you mommy.

Posted by tbux at October 28, 2003 09:05 AM

Bush has a gang? Where do I sign up?

Posted by: Rob at October 28, 2003 09:19 AM

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